
Give Your Loved One a Vision Buddy this Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is in less than two weeks! Whether you are single or taken, the day is about showing love. And it's not just about romantic love. It's also about familial and platonic love as well. So there is always a reason to celebrate it and give gifts.

A bouquet of red roses

Are you still looking for a special gift for your loved one? Don't worry, we've got you. If they have low vision, why don't you get them a low vision aid? 

Show Your Love with a Low Vision Gift

Sure, a nice dinner, a new watch, or a new purse are great gifts. It really is the thought that counts when it comes to gifts, and these are nice gestures. But if you're able to make an investment, why not give a really thoughtful gift? 

If your loved one (father, mother, husband, wife, friend, anyone you love!) has low vision, getting them a low vision aid like Vision Buddy for Valentine's Day would be an incredible gift for them! This is something that will last them for many years and help them to do the activities that they love to do.

How Vision Buddy Works

What makes Vision Buddy different from other low vision devices out there? How can it help your loved one? Well, we offer an exciting TV Watching feature that directly streams the TV screen into the headset so that they can see the screen better! 

Our product also helps with magnification so that they can see faces again as well as reading so that they can read their favorite books. So, they get many different benefits all in one simple, easy to use device. 

Vision Buddy and Valentine's Day

Your loved one can use Vision Buddy to celebrate Valentine's Day with you in many different ways!

1. They can watch romantic movies with you.

Even if these types of movies aren't something they're usually interested in, Valentine's Day is the day to watch cheesy movies. Get out your favorite snacks, blankets, and have a movie night! Vision Buddy will help them see the screen so that they won't miss anything. And if you guys really don't want to watch something romantic, you can always pick something else to watch to celebrate the holiday.

Watch TV with Vision Buddy! Remote control pointing to a blurred TV Screen

You can watch a sappy romantic movie with you loved one!

2. You can bake your favorite desserts.

Make some heart shaped cookies with them! Vision Buddy's reading mode can help them read the recipe and set the oven to the appropriate temperature. Spending quality time with one another by baking something together is a sweet way to spend the holiday.

Stack of heart-shaped cookies

Baking delicious Valentine's Day treats is a must.

3. You can see the faces of your loved ones.

Low vision often makes it difficult to recognize faces. This can be especially frustrating on Valentine's Day when your loved one wants to see everyone's faces. They want to see your smiles, the way your eyes light up when happy, everything! Because it makes them happy too and just reconfirms their love for you. Vision Buddy can help them with that, and no words could describe their joy. 

See the faces of loved ones with Vision Buddy! A father and his wife by the kitchen sink.

Seeing the faces of the ones you love can mean the world to you!

What Are You Waiting For?

There's still some time to get your gift and make it the best Valentine's Day ever! And if need be, you can always get priority shipping: just reach out to us about it. But act now before it's too late!

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